There is no recipe for changing Brazil. But there are ingredients.
We understand that problems related to citizenship – for example, the low commitment of citizens to community life and the low commitment to the norms and values of democracy – are complex problems. This requires an appropriate approach to unpredictability and constant changes. Therefore, we work with the Systems Practice methodology.
The methodology allows us to take a broader look at the problem. Instead of breaking it down into smaller and smaller parts, with this practice we are able to see patterns and interdependent relationships between the various factors related to citizenship.
We do this through 3 main steps:

Theory of context: aims to understand citizenship as a complex system, its main elements and connections and existing standards.
Theory of change: aims to explore the relationships identified and the main opportunities for action, which will have a greater impact on the system (levers of systemic transformation).
Portfolio of actions: consists of the engagement and mobilization of key people around programs and projects, already existing or designed with the purpose of achieving concrete impact in practice.
Each time these steps are repeated, they generate learning about the system. Each time we learn more about the problem, we are able to be more precise in the proposed systemic transformation strategies.
Among the diverse characteristics of this methodology, we emphasize the importance of the diversity of points of view and experiences around the problem. The construction needs to be collective and inclusive in order to be assertive and enhance the impact. For this reason, we work with partners, national and international, that collaborate around finding possible solutions and implementing actions to cause the intended impact.
Ongoing Projects
The Local Democracy Index (IDL) is a tool for diagnosing the state of democracy at the local level. The IDL is structured in five constitutive dimensions of the democratic regime: Electoral Process, Rights and Liberties, Functioning of Local Government, Political Participation, and Democratic Culture.
IDL contributes to impact by monitoring the state of democracy at the city level, generating reliable data to support measures to improve democratic processes, fostering academic research on the subject of democracy and promoting public debate on the importance of democratic culture within society civil society, press and government.
Its application was completed in two Brazilian cities, Curitiba and São Paulo, the largest capital in the Southern Region and the largest capital in Latin America, respectively. Check out more about these applications in the completed projects section.
Values In Crises
Our research front took part in an international consortium, as a representative of Brazil. Coordinated by the World Values Survey Association and with about 20 other countries, the “Values in Crisis” survey consists of 3 waves of data collection to better understand how a society’s fundamental values are affected by crises such as COVID-19.
The first wave was carried out between May and June 2020 and the report is now available here. The second and third waves are planned for the moments after the peak of the pandemic and the return to normal moments, respectively.
Votorantim Partnership
Lab Cidadania
A crucial step towards our desired impact at the national level was the continuity of our technical support for the Programa Cidadania (Citizenship Program), an initiative by Votorantim that aims to promote the Brazilian democratic culture. In the context of this Program, in 2020, we collaborated with the Lab Cidadania, a project that fostered initiatives in 5 cities and which counted on the participation of Sivis in its design and evaluation.
System Practice
We have also started a new national project that seeks to elaborate a diagnosis of the situation of democratic culture in the country and point out possible ways for its strengthening.
After the mapping of 500 important organizations on the theme of democratic culture, 15 of them were invited to participate in activities throughout 2021. This collaborative work, together with the Votorantim, a company of notorious national relevance in the theme of citizenship, will be valuable for enhancing our impact: contributing to a movement in favor of a more democratic culture in Brazil.
More information about this project will be made available throughout 2021.
Completed projects
Democracy Collections
With the purpose of promoting works of political theory and democracy unprecedented in Brazil, we edited and published the first and second Coletâneas da Democracia (Democracy Collections). We have translated books by authors who are references on the subject of democratic culture such as Robert Putnam, Larry Diamond, Giovanni Sartori and others
The second step of our operation entails measuring the local democratic level, as does the Local Democracy Index.
The Local Democracy Index emerged from a project aimed at measuring the quality of democracy in cities, which was conceived in partnership with researchers from renowned international institutions, such as the Freedom House, The Economist Intelligence Unit, International IDEA, Latinobarómetro and the V-Dem Institute.
The results obtained showcase an intriguing diagnosis of democracy in cities, such as that of Curitiba, whose main weaknesses pertain to low levels of political participation and democratic culture.
The Local Democracy Index measures the following features of a democratic model:

The first three features are measured through surveys to be answered by experts in the fields of democracy and politics of the evaluated city. On the other hand, the last two dimensions are measured through various questionnaires to be answered by a sample of the electoral population of the city in analysis.
We are applying the Local Democracy Index in the city of São Paulo in 2019.
We developed the Local Democracy Index to measure the quality of democracy in cities. The first assessment was made in Curitiba and the capital of Paraná reached 49.5% of score.
The survey also showed relevant points such as the low results in the categories democratic culture (38.9%) and political participation (22.3%) reflect an indisposition regarding government affairs and show a gap in Curitiba’s democracy, mainly related to civil society. This generated a sense of urgency. When the foundation of democratic culture is deficient, there are no democratic institutions, freedoms and rights that can be sustained in the long run. For this reason, the Sivis Institute has identified the need to address directly the root of the problem of our democracy: society itself.
For more information, access the IDL Curitiba infographic and report.
Cidade da Gente
Instituto Sivis has developed Cidade da Gente, a program that sought ways to strengthen democratic culture in Curitiba.

Employing the Collective Impact methodology, Cidade da Gente united community leaders from Curitiba to implement projects aimed at strengthening democratic culture.
Public leaders, entrepreneurs, private business managers, community leaders, and civil society organizations came together with a common goal: to strengthen democratic culture in Curitiba.
Photos by Guilherme Bressan
Semanas da Democracia (Weeks Democracy)
We held two events entitled Semanas da Democracia (Democracy Week) in 2015 and 2016. The events were intended to be a summit for the sector in Brazil, giving maximum visibility to the theme of democratic culture through national and international speakers, in addition to connect the main people and organizations that work with the theme.
1ª Semana da Democracia (First Democracy Week)
The event was held at the Radisson Curitiba Hotel, for an audience of 180 people. And it featured speakers such as Jamila Raquib, Lucy Bernholtz, James Fishkin, The Economist Intelligence Unit, among others.
To learn more, access the videos of the event.
2ª Semana da Democracia (Second Democracy Week)
The free event took place at the Oscar Niemeyer Museum (MON), on the International Day of Democracy, with 14 lectures related to different topics involving the theme. The event had national and international speakers, such as Michel Coppedge, Nara Pavão, Latinobarómetro, among others. It also had more than 450 participants and had more than 5,500 interactions on social media.
To learn more, access the videos of the event.
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